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Bernard Bouton, Secretary General FECO, Cartoonist

Utopia is self-contradictory: we are looking for an ideal society and, at the same time, we know that it is impossible to achieve it.

Thomas More himself said the same; "Utopia does not exist anywhere". So what could be the way for a cartoonist to resolve that contradiction?

Some of them have decisively chosen the impossibility, drawing impossible objects, or impossible situations; the cartoon showing a nonsense. Others have preferred to dream about a better, safer, more just and humane world; their cartoons show a world without war, without starvation - a world where people of many different colors are working together or dancing in a ring. And others, in an ironic tone (they are cartoonists), have chosen a very specific and anecdotal utopia, such as, a dog in a world of bones or Little Red Riding Hood with vegetarian wolves around her.

In my opinion, the three winners presented three relevant works.

Anne Derenne clearly shows us the famous island in a nowadays re-creation: in an improbable process, waste turns into a luxurious nature. In Marco d'Agostino's work, we see an inaccessible world floating above the horizon, as seen through the eyes of a migrant; and the road seems to spin horizontally.

"Hope leading to the Void" could be the title of Luc Vernimmen's work, where we see the impossible dream of people in a startling shortcut between the two parts of his cartoon.

In this catalogue you can see different approaches to express the idea of Utopia; some of them are quite difficult to interpret. The day will come when all the people around the world will have sense of humour...


Utopi er selvmodsigende: Vi er på udkig efter et ideelt samfund, og på samme tid, ved vi, at det er umuligt at opnå det.

Thomas More sagde det samme: "Utopi findes ikke overalt". Så hvad kunne være vejen frem for en satiretegner, hvis vi ønsker at løse denne modsigelse?

Nogle af dem har bevidst valgt umuligheden ved at tegne umulige objekter eller umulige situationer, det vil sige ved at tegne nonsense. Andre foretrækker at drømme om en bedre, sikrere, mere retfærdig og human verden. Deres satiretegninger viser en verden uden krig og sult - en verden, hvor folk uanset farve arbejder sammen eller danser i en ring. Igen er der andre satiretegnere, som, via en ironisk tone, har valgt en meget specifik og anekdotisk utopi. For eksempel en hund i en verden af knogler eller Rødhætte omgivet af vegetariske ulve.

Efter min mening præsenterede de tre vindere tre relevante værker. Anne Derenne viser os tydeligt den berømte ø i en nutidig genskabelse: I en usandsynlig proces, hvor affald omdannes til luksuriøs natur. I Marco d'Agostino arbejde kan vi, gennem øjnene på en migrant, se en utilgængelig verden, som svæver over horisonten, hvor vejen synes at dreje horisontalt. "Hope leading to the Void" kunne være titlen på Luc Vernimmens værk, hvor vi kan se menneskets umulige drøm i form af en opsigtsvækkende genvej mellem hans todelte satiretegning.

I dette katalog har du mulighed for at se forskellige tilgange til at udtrykke tanken om utopi; nogle af dem er ganske vanskelige at fortolke. Dagen vil komme, hvor hele verdens befolkning vil have sans for humor...
